Jericho Real Estate has consistantly remained in very high demand. In addition to nice homes, Jericho Schools are rated very highly in many studies based on many factors. Homes within the
Jericho School District are often sought after by not only locals but by those newly relocating who are seeking a Jericho location for access to Jericho Schools. The district is a small district compared to much larger neighboring Syosset (which is also sough after) and has a very high percentage of students 1) going on to secondary schools (college & universities) and 2) has one of the highest numbers of students taking advanced placement tests and getting Advanced Placement Degrees etc. The eductional component as a value in purchasing as well as contributing to resale value for owning a Jericho NY home, is a significant advantage for homeowners.
Jericho, NY is located in Nassau County Long Island, NY within the township of Hempstead. Jericho is a suburban community near various business parks, as well as recreational areas. Jericho, LI, NY has many nice homes and is very convenient for communters to NYC as it offers fast access to all transit, along with the relaxing tranquility of suburban living.
Jericho Real Estate range from nicely appointed up to 3 bedroom condominiums at $530,000 and up to luxury homes in Jericho priced up to $2,350,000. If you are looking for a home in Jericho, LI, NY,
contact a Gold Coast Homes & Estates associate for assistance with
Jericho homes or other
Jericho area Real Estate.